Dachshunds is an old hunting breed, ment for hunting game that lives underground - foxes, badgers and so on. But.. the usual, standard dachshunds were too big for hunting rabbits in their dens and Germany has a lot of rabbits. So a smaller version was created, with chest circumference up to 30 cm - kaninchen dachshunds. In the beginning of 1900s, the wirehaired and smoothaired versions got an addition - longhaired. Now there are dachshunds in three measures - up to 30, between 30-35 and more than 35 cm of chest cirumference. And all of them in all three different types of coat - wire, smooth and long-haired.
Longharied variety is the most laid back by character - this is thanks to the breeds that were used for introducing the long coat. But to guess that therefor there is no hunting instinct in them - is very wrong. They do have all the same instincts and skills that both other coat varieties, just they act out a bit more laid back.
You are always welcome to contact us in case of interest towards long coated dachshunds. You can find out more information about the breed also from the webpage of Estonian Dahchund Breed Association and from Estonian Dachshund Club's website.
Below you can see informationn about our dachshund that live with us or belong to us.